Golf ParTee 2024: America
This year's Theme: America (Red White and Blue)
Costumes are encouraged and we even have a "Best Dressed" Prize!
Information & Rules
Welcome to the Annual Brandon Valley Area Chamber of Commerce Golf ParTee! It's an honor to host this event for you, and we hope you enjoy the day.
Please review the following information and rules before you begin.
1. This is a 4-person scramble. Scramble Defined: Each player tees off and the team selects the best shot. All 4 players then play the next shot from the position of the selected ball, placing or dropping their ball within one club length (no closer to the hole) from that spot. The same procedure is used in all shots until the ball is holed. On putts, a club length does not apply.
2. Each team will get 2 carts. Your Team Sponsor Name is on your cart along with your starting hole assignment. As there are two teams assigned at each hole, "Team A" tees off first and "Team B" tees off second.
3. Tee off is at 9 a.m. sharp - listen for the gun shot start. Men play the white tees, ladies play the red tees.
4. Mulligans are on the honor system so you will not receive a certificate denoting your mulligans.
5. Streamers may be used at multiple holes but once a piece is used it must be discarded. Must use at least one foot at a time. Use it to improve the distance of your putt by moving the ball the length you choose.
6. There are Pin Prize games at holes throughout the course. Winners will be announced during the social hour after golf.
7. There are alcoholic beverages for tasting at various holes throughout the course. Visit hole sponsor tents for these free beverages! You must be at least 21, so please have I.D. on you at all times.
8. After you finish your last hole, come back to the lower lever of the clubhouse to socialize while we announce winners. Make sure you give your score card to the Golf Course staff at the results table.
9. Awards will be given to the teams in 1st place, 2nd place, and best dressed team!
10. Have fun!
Date and Time
Friday Jul 12, 2024
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Check in Beginning at 8:00am.
Shotgun Start at 9:00am.
You will receive your golf cart and be allowed to go to your starting hole once you check in.
Social Hour immediately following end of play until scores and game winners are finalized.
Brandon Golf Course 2100 E Aspen Blvd, Brandon, SD 57005
$550 for a team of 4
Includes Mulligans and Stick the Putt Streamers