Oakridge Nursery & Landscaping, Inc.
Nursery & LandscapingGardenLandscape Architecture
Nursery is open Monday - Friday 8-6, Saturday - 8-5
Driving Directions:
We are located 4 miles East of Washington High School on East Madison St. and 1/2 mile North on Hwy. 11 (Across from Husets Speedway)
About Us
Welcome to Oakridge Nursery and Landscaping Inc. We are a landscape design & build company that specializes in outdoor living environments and has been serving Brandon, Sioux Falls and surrounding communities for over thirty years. We also have a full service retail garden center for the gardening enthusiast or the do-it-yourself landscaper. Thank you for considering Oakridge Nursery and Landscaping Inc. We look forward to seeing you.